

Biological fertiliser and a free-running soy inoculant fertilizer
A specific feature of Bradyrhizobium japonicum is ability to intrude root fibrilla of soy roots and cause formation of root nodules with bacteria as intracellular symbionts able to fix nitrogen from atmospheric air and to synthesise organic nitrogen-containing compounds easily accessible by plants, and to fertilise soil with nitrogen.
Unique production technology with application of finely dispersed high-absorbency neutral carrier provides conservation of the crop and increase of fertiliser efficiency, which allows to reduce input standard down to 80–90 grams per 1-hectare rate of seeds, as well as increase of survivability of legume bacteria during all stages of soy sowing process and during the seedling-expectation period.
In case of wet treatment, the fertiliser is supplied together with OMC (organo-mineral complex) intended for feeding of bacteria and soy plant with macronutrient and micronutrient elements as well as for adhesion of the fertiliser solution for soy seeds surface.
microbiological ferilizer
The fertiliser contains highly-efficient strain of Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteria as well as metabolism products like growth stimulators and root stimulating agents, vitamins and other biologically active substances.
What advanteges ?
Increases yield of soy by 10–20%
Accelerates maturing by 10–15 days
Increases plant resistance against unfavorable factors
new eco plant
24 July
New Manufacturing Plant Construction
In July 2019, in order to increase the production capacity of STC BIO LLC, the construction of a new plant began.
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silage concentrates
27 July
The production of concentrates has begun.
In the month of July 2019, STC BIO LLC launched the sale of new microbiological preparations: Silvit Concentrate for making silage and haylage from green feed...
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eco award
14 June
A new award of STC BIO LLC
In June 2019, the annual regional contest Entrepreneur of the Year was held.
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