

Sanitary-hygienic treatment of organic wastes
A microbiological preparation designed to solve environmental problems through the microbiological transformation of organic compounds and other components contained in effluents, litter and livestock sheds and poultry houses.
Sanvit eliminates pungent and unpleasant odors by reducing the concentrations of harmful gases in production rooms (hydrogen sulfide and ammonia) and improves the homogeneity of wastewater with the help of accelerated waste water fermentation in order to improve the quality of the discharge of bathtubs and lagoons.
solve ecological problems with sanvit
Inhibition of pathogenic microorganisms in the litter and premises of animals and poultry, and as a result - Stimulation of immunity and improving the health of animals and poultry
What advanteges ?
Elimination of unpleasant odors
Elimination of pungent and unpleasant odors
decomposition of organic waste
Acceleration of the decomposition of organic waste
Input standards and procedure of application of the additive
Name of product Object of application Intended purpose Period of application Dosage
Wastes of animal breeding complexes – Elimination of bad odors – Acceleration of decomposition of organic compounds contained in wastes Uniform addition to wastes according to accumulation 25–70 g per 1 m3 of wastes
Sanvit-K-Forte Solid wastes of animal breeding complexes and bird litter mass (BLM) Acceleration of decomposition of organic compounds and other components of solid wastes and BLM Uniform input in solid wastes and BLM according to accumulation 50–200 g per 1 ton
Bedding or shelters for animals, birds For sanitary and hygienic treatment of animal breeding complexes Preventive treatment 4 times a month 5–10 g per 1 m2
The efficiency of using Sanvit
What are our results?
Was tested drug "Sanvit" in a pig farm. The goal was to improve the microclimate in the livestock complex, to improve the working conditions of personnel, and to eliminate harsh and unpleasant odors. The pig complex recognized the test results as successful.
The efficiency of using Sanvit